Also at my last check, the CSC Team raised a combined donation of $46,510.00
Way to go CSC!!! I'm sure more donations have come in since.

by Mark Bedor
You don't usually wear spurs, boots, chinks,
and cowboy hats on a trip to the beach.
But on a gorgeous February afternoon,
we're horseback on a stretch
of California coastal sand that's like no
other. For this Pacific Ocean beach is
part of a working cattle ranch that's like no other: the
approximately 82,000-acre Hearst Ranch.
You know about the famous Hearst Castle. The former
palatial home of publisher William Randolph Hearst is
now California's most popular state park. But what you
may not know is that the mansion sits in the middle
of 128 square miles of ranch land that experts agree is
some of the most pristine land left in the entire state. And
now, thanks to a new conservation easement agreement,
this ranch land will be preserved forever.
"It's a family heirloom ... the most emotional asset in
the family trust," says Steve Hearst, the great-grandson of
WR "It goes clear back to the roots of the family... as
far back in California as we go.
The Hearst family story is the story of the American
West, and begins with Steve Hearst's great-great-grandfather.
Like tens of thousands of others, George Hearst
left his home state of Missouri when gold was discovered
in California in 1849. But Hearst was one of the few to
strike it rich. He made his money buying up overlooked
mining claims that turned out to be worth a fortune, and
wound up owning some of the most valuable mines in
the country, including the famous Comstock silver mine
in Virginia City, Nevada, and the Homestake gold mine in
the Black Hills of what is now South Dakota.

Anthony Paul Kennedy Shriver Chairman of the Best Buddies
Maria Shriver (his sister) is Honorary Chairman
Awards were made by Anthony Shriver who is the Chair of Best Buddies. Read more about Anthony here: http://webpages.ursinus.edu/bestbuddies/page11AnthonyShriv.html
Be sure to read about Best Buddies on their website: http://www.bestbuddies.com/ Learn what touches our hearts and keeps pulling us back to this ride...it is some great reading about the program!!
After the dinner was over the concert began. This year was exciting for me and all the others. Performing live on the stage of which we were up to the stage with only a row of kids in front of us to see Fergie and the Black Eyed Peas!! it was a great concert!!! They loved the kids and let them come on the stage to dance and gave them the mikes to sing to sing along with them! Fergie looked great of course, and the music was loud and fun for everyone.
Here's some fun pictures from the event this year!
The Best Buddies Logo

Kenny G finishes the ride!!